Monday, January 01, 2007


Forgot to mention earlier that I had just submitted my assignment: what a relief!

Trave has now revealed the box of chocolates he kept hidden all this time since Christmas. These are the wonderful chocolates from the Chocolatiers Glatigny in Alençon, which were a gift from my Auntie and Uncle. One of the best chocolates I have ever eaten.


Anonymous said...

That Glatigny thing is an evil, evil link. Do you have no pity on my resolutions?
There was/is a French truffles place in San Francisco, XOX Truffles, that I now yearn for.
I hope they were great. Congrats on submitting.
Happy New Year!

green clementine said...

You should follow the resolution Trave made several years ago: never to make new year's resolutions.