Monday, February 26, 2007

Soup with all the veg left in the box

As Trave was poorly with a stomach bug, V advised a 24h fast (only liquids, so I made some blueberry & pear smoothie), followed by a week of eating pro-biotic yoghurts. He cheated a little bit yesterday evening and had a bowl a soup.

This soup tasted surprisingly good, given that I had paid little attention to what went in it: all the vegetables we had left needed using up badly. So in the soup there was:

- 1 celeriac
- 2 leeks
- 10 jerusalem artichokes
- 4 parsnips
- 1 cauliflower

All diced/sliced and cooked in boiling water with bayleaves for 25 minutes.
Then all in the food processor, back in the pan, with a hint of nutmeg, parsley, salt and loads of freshly ground black pepper.

I wish we had had some carrots though!

You would be surprised by the taste. Much better than expected. And Trave feels so much better today !

We will have some more tonight.


Soupe avec tous les légumes qui nous restaient:

- celery rave
- 2 poireaux
- 10 topinambours
- 4 panais
- 1 chou-fleur

Mine de rien, cette soupe était très bonne. Avec un peu de persil et de la noix de muscade, c'était plutôt bon !

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