Thursday, February 01, 2007

The missing egg

I forgot to incorporate the egg into the bake I made yesterday. Except I had broken the egg in a bowl already and the dish was ready to put in the oven. So rather than wasting an egg I made some cookies tonight! What a great idea, we had not had cookies for ages. I made them with chocolate chips and cocoa powder. My favourites are with orange peel and chocolate chips.

Here is a photo:

Recipe for 18 cookies:

175g flour
1 tsp baking powder
125g margarine
100g light muscovado sugar
50g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla flavouring
1 egg
125 g dark choc chips
cocoa powder (optional)

mix all ingredients together and place spoonfuls on floured baking trays in a preheated oven (180 degrees) for 10 minutes.


Recette pour 18 cookies :

175g farine
1 c. café de levure chimique
125g margarine
100g cassonade
50g sucre en poudre fin
1 c. café extrait de vanille
1 oeuf
125g pépites de chocolat
poudre de cacao (optionnel)

bien mélanger tous les ingrédients et placer des cuillerées sur des plaques farinées dans un four préchauffé á 180 degrés et cuire pendant 10 minutes.

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