Home-made tortellini with ricotta and spinach filling and their creamy mushroom sauce
Serves 4
For the dough:
250g plain flour (or a bit more if necessary)
1 TBSP basil-infused olive oil
1 TBSP water (or more if necessary)
1 pinch of salt
3 eggs
optional: 1 tsp turmeric if you want yellow coloured pasta dough. Otherwise it may look a bit pale like on these photos.
For the filling:
125g frozen spinach, thawed and pat dry
125g ricotta cheese
20g Parmesan cheese, grated
1 egg
black pepper
For the sauce:
1 TBSP olive oil
250g chestnut mushrooms, sliced
250ml double cream
1 TBSP parsley
25g Parmesan cheese, grated
salt and pepper
1. Sieve the flour and salt in a bowl. Make a well and place the eggs, oil and water in the centre of the well. Incorporate progressively the other ingredients to the flour. Once mixed, knead gently with your hands until the dough is smooth and elastic. Shape into a ball.
2. Place a lit olive oil in the bowl, roll the dough into the oil. Cover the bowl and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, make the filling by mixing all the ingredients together until you obtain a smooth mixture.
4. To make the tortellini, shape little balls with the dough, then roll them very thin using a pasta-rolling machine or a rolling pin to a 5 cm diametre circle (~2 in).
6. Boil the tortellini in lightly salted water for 7-10 minutes until 'al dente'. (you will need to start making the sauce before starting cooking the tortellini)
7. To make the sauce, heat the olive oil in a non-stick saucepan. Add the sliced mushroom and fry until the mushrooms are golden brown and their juice has evaporated. Add the cream and bring to the boil. Simmer for 3 to 5 minutes. Add the Parmesand, parsley and season to taste. The sauce is ready when is has browned and thickened.
8. Once the tortellini are cooked, drain well and place onto warm pasta bowls. Pour the mushroom sauce, sprinkle with Parmesan and black pepper, and it's (finally!) ready!
Enjoy with a nice glass of red wine :-)
Je suis impressionnée par toutes tes recettes que je consulte régulièrement mais là, ça me laisse sans voix moi qui suis fan de tortellini épinards ricotta !!!
J'adore ! et quelle patience, ou trouves-tu le temps? Bref tes recettes sont toujours alléchantes mais je ne parle pas suffisament couramment pour gérer la traduction des recettes de A à Z.
En tous cas continue, moi qui rêve de manger équilibré, tes recettes me permettent d'avoir des idées pour manger beaucoup de légumes.
Bises à vous deux et j'attend la suite des photos du voyage !!!
Coucou !
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Je traduisais les recettes en francais avant, mais comme il y a peu de lecteurs francophones et que cela prend du temps. Je préfére garder ce temps précieux pour confectionner des p'tits plats ! Tu peux aussi essayer d'entrer l'adresse du blog sur Google Webpage Traduction ? Ce n'est pas parfait, mais bon !
Je prépare la publication du Jour 4 de notre voyage, á suivre...
Oh, et merci pour ton commentaire encourageant !
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