Saturday, November 29, 2008

Menu week 49

Paneer and spinach curry

Mediterranean quiche with Gruyere cubes

Pasta with mixed vegetables

Lentil and rice casserole, (a favourite winter dish)

Falafels with broccoli and potatoes

Green lentils with mixed vegetables

You know what I think I will miss the most during pregnancy?
Sprinkling my pasta with (vegetarian) Parmesan, as I should avoid eating unpasteurised cheeses (and eggs for that matter) , unless thoroughly cooked at very hot temperatures. And having Cheddar on a bowl of pasta is just not the same... Oh well, it's for a good cause!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mais tu marques tous les numéro de tes week end? Tu fais quelque chose de nouveau à chaque week end?
Ton petit mari doit être bien content!
Ta petite salade de fruit à l'air miam miam!