Saturday, October 14, 2006


Coluche was a great man. Here is one of his famous quotations:
Dieu a dit : " Je partage en deux.Les riches auront la nourriture,les pauvres l'appétit. "
God said: "I will equally share the world into two parts. The rich will have the food, and the poor will have hunger."

This is an electoral poster published in 1981 when he announced his candidancy for president. He was forced to drop out because of media and political pressures.

As we are approaching winter, it is worth mentioning that Coluche was the man who set up the "RESTOS DU COEUR" (Restaurants of the Heart). I remember collecting tins and clothes every year at school for the Resto du Coeur, so that they could supply homeless people with shelter and food.

On the subject I think there is a law in France which says that a landlord cannot evict their tenant, even if they don't pay the rent, between 1st October and 30th April. I should check this out but I think it is the case.

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