Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Three-cheese pasta bake

New pasta bake recipe! Hurrah! Hope you like cheese :-)

This will feed 4 people:
400g dried penne pasta
2 eggs, beaten
400g ricotta cheese
140g grated mozzarella or halloumi
80g grated parmesan

1. cook the pasta 'al dente'
2. Mix the ricotta & eggs, season to taste
3. spoon half of the cooked pasta in a greased ovenproof dish, top with half of the ricotta mixture, then basil, then mozzarella/halloumi.
4. Rest of pasta, ricotta, basil and sprinkle with the parmesan.
5. Place in a preheated oven for about 30 minutes until piping hot.
6. Serve with fresh freen vegetables.

Bon appétit !

Gratin de pátes aux trois fromages

Ingrédients pour 4 personnes:

400g pátes type penne
2 oeufs
400g ricotte (fromage frais italien)

140g mozzarella ou halloumi rápé(e)

80g parmesan rápé

1. Cuire les pátes 'al dente'
2. incorporer les oeufs á la ricotte et assaisonner
3. Disposer la moitié des pátes cuites dans un plat graissé allant au four. Recouvrir d'une couche de ricotte, puis de basilic, puis la mozarella/halloumi.
4. Re-couche de pátes, ricotte, basilic et finir par le parmesan.
5. Passer au four préchauffé pendant environ 30 minutes jusqu'á ce que ce soit bien chaud.
6. Servir avec des légumes verts.

Bon appétit !


trave said...

Mmmm this was delicious, I'd recommend it to anyone!

green clementine said...

I forgot to mention the main ingredients to ALL my recipes: They have to be prepared and cooked with LOVE.

It gives them a very distinct taste.
