Sunday, December 03, 2006


I had not been making any fruit juice for a while so I made up for it this afternoon with a blueberry smoothie and and a summer fruit creamy smoothie.


150g blueberries
1 pear
1 banana
40ml apple & pomegranate juice

All in the liquidiser, yum yum!

Jus de fruits aux myrtilles:

150g myrtilles
1 poire
1 banane
40ml jus de pomme et grenadine

Passer le tout au mixeur.


Creamy summer fruit:

150g summer fruit
2 strawberry yoghurts
1 pint of milk
1 TBSP blueberry jam (could be replaced by any red fruit jam)

Again, simply mix all the ingredients in the liquidiser and enjoy.

Boisson crémeuse aux fruits rouges (comme un sorbet)

150g fruits rouges
2 yahourts á la fraise
1/2 litre lait
1 c. soupe de confiture de myrtille/fruits rouges selon le goút

Passer le tout au mixeur et déguster.

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