Saturday, September 09, 2006

Leek and tomato pasta nests

This is an original pasta dish, and looks quite impressive if you don't overcook it as I did yesterday! For 4 to 6 nests you will need:

- 90g capellini/linguine/or spaghetti
- 2 eggs
- 100ml single cream
- 1 TBSP freshly grated Parmesan
- 60g sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
- 1 big leek, sliced
- oregno
- salt & pepper

cook, drain & run the pasta under cold water (so that they don't stuck). Meanwhile, fry the leek and add the tomatoes & oregano. Mix the eggs with the cream & cheese and season. Add the leek and egg mixtures to the pasta.

Distribute the obtained pasta into 4 to 6 greased ramequins. Place the ramequins into a roasting dish. Pour boiling water in the dish, up to half the height of the ramequin and place the dish in the oven for ~25-30 minutes until golden.

Unmould the nests and serve with fresh vegetables.

Time for lunch, I'm staaaaaaaaaarving!!!! I think we will have corn-on-the-cob followed by melting cheese toasts and a fruit.

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